11 MW Waste-to-Energy Power Plant in Ghana (Energy)

Project Name: Business Plan for 111MW WTE Power Plant in Ghana
Client: S&C Energy Limited
Project Commencement Date: February, 2019
Project url: www.safeandcleanenergy.com

In Ghana, many landfills are closing or exhausting their remaining capacity, yet due to environmental restrictions, zoning laws, and other regulatory and bureaucratic delays, pitifully few new landfills are opening to offset the looming space crisis. Meanwhile municipal waste continues to flow in greater volume especially in the Greater Accra Region where tons of waste is being produced very day. Handling the nation’s waste stream has become a major problem for most municipalities. With more waste created daily, landfills nationwide are rapidly facing a capacity crisis.


Safe and Clean Energy limited (S & C Energy) has been established to provide a solution for municipal waste problem in Ghana, whilst capitalizing on the lucrative benefits of Waste-to-Energy Production (WTE).